
Pst. Dr John and Lizzy William

Senior Pastors

Dr John O. Smart William is the Snr Pastor of Trinity International Christian Centre (TICC) Worldwide, with its Int’l Headqtrs in the city of Parma – Italy. He is an insightful, dynamic, motivational teacher and author of several books, such as, The Mystery of The Night, Living In Dominion, Efficacy of The Word, etc. He is also psalmist who have sung and authored several songs such as, Heavenly Race, On Your Mark Get Set, True God, Highly Lifted, Hallelujah, I Just Can’t Tell (Arugbo ojo), etc.

Dr Pst John Smart William is a man running with a divine mandate to unveil the mysteries of the kingdom in the simplest form, through the power of the Holy Spirit, with the aim of, impacting lives, changing mentalities, and producing kingdom eagles.

our team

Meet Our Pastors

PST. Dr John and Lizzy William

Senior Pastors

Pst. Tony O. Okoro

Resident Pastor - TICC - Birmingham, UK

Pst. Dan E. Obakpe

Resident Pastor TICC - Sapele, Nigeria

Deac. Emma Best Igene

Pastor - TICC Parma 2, Italy

Pst. John E. Obakpe

Pastor - TICC Parma 3, Italy

Pst. Josephine T. Audu

Pastor -TICC Parma 1, Italy

Pst. Sylvester Omonkhegbele

Deac Odion Ogbagho

Senior Pastors

Dcns. Priscilla Nwaokolo

Deac. Felix Akpobome

TICC Sapele, Nigeria

Deac. Joseph Azeodeh

TICC Parma, Italy

Pst. (Mrs) Jennifer Dan Obakpe

TICC Sapele, Nigeria

Deac. Joseph Jacobs

TICC Parma, Italy

Pst. Austin Ekeh

TICC Sapele, Nigeria

Dcns. (Mrs) Vivian Osimen

TICC Birmingham, UK

Min. Daniel Ifanyi

TICC Parma, Italy

Min. Moses

TICC Parma, Italy

Pst. (Mrs) Uwayemen Obakpe

TICC Parma, Italy